A Mechanical engineer, before Inniovate, John spent 10 years as MD in RE:SURE, before successfully exiting when RE:SURE was sold to Fortus.
John has a deep knowledge of CCTV Monitoring & IoT solutions, from detection to service delivery.
Emmet worked alongside John in RE:SURE.
Extremely strategic and innovate in his own right, Emmet heads up the commercial growth of Inniovate, and also lends his expertise heavily into idea creation.
Ryan is our IOS Developer and looks after our backend operations. Skilled in Swift, Objective-C, Java, iOS development & Android Development. Bachelor of Engineering - Computer games development with First-class honours.
Sean is our Android App & Online Portal Developer | BEng (Hons) Computer Games Development Graduate from Ulster University.
Experienced in both Kotlin & Java, utilising skills & technologies such as Android Room, Retrofit, MVVM Architecture, RESTful APIs, UI/UX Design, Git Version Control & much more!
Knowio brings outside security to the next level.
Set and Unset security systems, control smart padlocks and get alerts from IOT Sensors.
Knowio can be adapted and white labeled for your company to gain major efficiencies, increase your company's brand awareness and improve your customer retention.
We know sales and can help your team maximise your ability to grow, from pricing strategy to sales team management, we have a deep knowledge in how to improve the most important numbers.
If you are about to open, or already run a CCTV Monitoring Control Centre, and want to enhance your operations, we have detailed knowledge to help you offer a better service to your clients. Whether its from CCTV Analytics systems to monitoring platforms to actual service provision, we have a host of knowledge to help.
Not only did we Emmet and John sell their previous security company for a handsome multiple, but prior to that they also carried out two acquisitions. If you are thinking of selling your company, we can be off help from a value maximisation perspective.
Set and Unset of CCTV Remotely Monitored CCTV Systems is broken. Schedules don't work, keypads are complicated and get ignored and phone-to-set/unset is inefficient.
All this results in c
Knowio - which can be white labelled for your company - improves efficiencies and gives your end users an unrivaled ability to give